There are 2 common display issues in Ax.  Each can be managed by the local computer display settings.

Non-standar DPI Settings

The first is caused by non-standard or custom DPI settings.  These should alwasy be 100%.  If they are set higher, many of the Ax forms and reports will look distorted.  To change this follow these steps:

  1.  Right-click the desktop and click "Display Settings"

  2. Scroll down to "Scale and layout" settings option and update this value to 100%.

  3. **This step is critical.  Logout of Ax by performing the steps in this article. (

  4. When you sign back in display issue should be resolved.

Screen Resolution is too low

The other display issues in Ax can sometimes be resolved by raising the display resolution.  Older resolutions used for Vision/ERP are not compatible with Ax.  Screen resolutions like 1024 x 768 are too low.  You should set resolution highest level for best results.  You can lower a few notches for larger print.  Anything further will result in forms having some of their information cut off.  To change the screen resolution, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the desktop and click "Display Settings"

  2. Scroll down to "Display resolution" settings option and update this value to the "recommended" value. You may try a few notches lower, but it is best to keep it here. If you need larger print, you should purchase a larger monitor.

  3. ***This step is critical.  After applying and saving the settings, you must logout of Ax by following the steps in this article. (