Cisco AnyConnect VPN
Table of Contents
Begin by downloading the AnyConnect Installer for Version 4.10 for your operating system.
Windows Installation
Cisco AnyConnect (Windows)
MAC Installation
Cisco AnyConnect (Mac)
The download will begin automatically.
VPN Server Name
For Windows Users
- After downloading, double-click the installer to begin. When the installation window appears, click on Next.
- On the next screen, choose Accept and click Next.
- Then choose Install.
- The installation will begin.
- And finally, click on Finish.
For Mac Users
- After downloading, open the “anyconnect-macos-4.10.05085.dmg” file. The example below is using a Chrome browser, so your browser may look slightly different.
- When the AnyConnect box opens, choose “AnyConnect.pkg” by double clicking on it.
- The installer will begin. Proceed by clicking “Continue”.
- On the next screen, click “Continue”.
- A dialog box will appear asking you to agree. Click “Agree”.
- On the next screen you have the option to choose multiple packages with your installation. Uncheck all options except for the VPN package and click “Continue”
- On the next screen you will have the option to “Change Install Location…” (Most users are ok using the default location. If you know that the default location will cause issues with your computer, choose a different location.) Click “Install”.
- The install will begin. Depending on the settings of your Mac, you may be asked to enter your Mac’s password to approve the installation. Installation should not take very long for only the VPN option chosen earlier.
- You may also have a “Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Notification” dialog box open stating that the AnyConnect System Extension is blocked.
- Follow the instructions, by clicking on “Open Preferences”.
- The “Security & Privacy” settings will open. You will need to click on the lock in the bottom left hand corner. The lock is the next to the text I have highlighted in the example below.
- You will again need to enter your username/password in the box that pops up on the screen. The lock should appear open now, and you can make the appropriate changes by clicking on the “Allow” button as I have highlighted below.
- On the next box that appears, choose “Allow”.
- The “Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Notification” box should change to the example below. Click “Dismiss”.
- You can also now click the lock icon in the “Security & Privacy” box to secure your settings and close the settings window and click on “OK” in the “System Extension Blocked” dialog box if it is still open.
- The install window should show that the installation was successful. You can click “Close” on this box.
- The system will ask you if you want to “Keep” or “Move to Trash” the installation package. It is ok to move to the trash if all was successful.
- Your VPN client can be located in the “Launchpad”.
Connecting to the Dunlap and Kyle VPN for the First Time
- Once AnyConnect has been installed, you can find the program by typing “AnyConnect” into search bar next to the “Windows” icon (Start Menu).
- Or by opening/clicking on the Windows icon, going to the Cisco folder, and selecting “Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client”.
- Also, you may be able to find the program in the “Show hidden icons” menu. You can access this by clicking on the carrot icon, “^”, next to the time and date.
- The AnyConnect program is the
symbol as shown below.
- Note: This icon may not appear after the initial install but should be available in this location after a reboot.
- Clicking on any of these locations will bring up the VPN client dialog box. Click on the "DK AWS VPN" profile option or manually type the URL below into the connection box.
- In the dialog box, enter “https://aws-vmx-wholesale-cttdkckwnq.dynamic-m.com” without the quotes and click Connect.
- You will then be asked to enter your credentials. Click OK.
- Upon successful connection, you will see a message that you have connected. Click Accept.
- You are now connected to the Dunlap and Kyle VPN.
Untrusted Server Blocked Error Message
If you receive an error message that states, “Untrusted Server Blocked!” as seen below, try the follow instructions.
- Click Change Setting… The following dialog box will appear.
- Make sure you uncheck the Block connections to untrusted servers box at end of the list, close the window by clicking the “X” in the upper left corner, and try connecting again. There is no Save button. The changes save automatically.
This window can be accessed by clicking on the gear icon,, AnyConnect Client application.